Secondary School is a time of rapid intellectual, emotional, and physical growth. During this period, your child will become increasingly reflective about life, relationships, and school as they begin to make significant decisions about future study and career pathways.

In the Middle School, which includes students from Grade 6 to Grade 9, your child’s literacy and numeracy skills will become more sophisticated as they are introduced to important disciplines, ideas, and learning styles.

The integrated approach to learning introduced in the Primary School will continue, particularly in the study of English and the Humanities (Economics, Geography, and History). In addition, students will build on their knowledge and skills in communication, effective group work, and creative thinking. 

Middle School Pupils at VISS

From Years 6-10, the Australian curriculum (Victoria) is organised around two general categories, with different subjects and areas of learning in each category:

Learning Area
The HumanitiesScience
The ArtsTechnologies
LanguagesHealth and Physical Education
Critical and Creative ThinkingEthical Capability
Intercultural CapabilityPersonal and Social Capability

 In addition to the core subjects, including the Ministry subjects of Arabic, Islamic Studies, Social Studies and Moral Education, students develop healthy minds and bodies through Health and Physical Education studies. Their creativity is fostered through the opportunity to engage in Art and Technology subjects in purpose built classrooms, with the opportunity to tailor their curriculum through an elective program that commences in Grade 9.

The curriculum at this level provides opportunities for self-expression and personal development. Students are supported in developing strong interpersonal skills, self-awareness and confidence, and have the opportunity to take on leadership roles in the school.